The Association Facebook page is here-new and improved. In working with our website manager we were able to set up the facebook page to be more user friendly. It is visible to all but members of the group will need to be approved by admins. Unfortunately the old page is still out there and we are working on taking it down.
The current facebook page is New York State ID/DD Nurses Association-to differentiate us from the old page.
Notice of the new page was sent to current members. I watch for those requesting membership to approve requests. You can also get there by the logo on the website.
Events include annual conference usually in September or October, Location can change to find a place that can accommodate our group and is midway if possible to all zones.
Zones meetings set up by zone officers 3-4 times per year. See the list of zone officers to check on the next meeting. Watch for zone updates in the newsletter.
Information on other available seminars, presentations are shared with the group. DDNA also has an annual conference in a different location each year.
Every year information is sent out to schools, members about the annual $1000 scholarship to someone working in the field who is currently working toward becoming an RN. Newly added is a $1000 scholarship for an RN working toward their BSN. See website page for details.
Also annual is the Joyce binder award which is given to someone who has all the best traits of a DD nurse. Think about it and nominate that person. Even if nominated before but they were not the award recipient for that year, they can be nominated again.